Saturday, February 28

Face is the index of the mind. Maybe that's an 'old-age'.The current though, in this internet dominant world is writing/speech is the index of a person's mind. Add any other impersonal visuals to that as well-- for this is the visual revolution era for the middle class Indian populace.

Will end this thought in a sentence. Lucid and crisp writing or speech just about reflects little or no confusion.

Here's a sample just visit my friends blog - Coffee House. His pocket off late sports a high end digicam. And he is breezing his way through Chennai's sweltering heat snapping anything that 'cool'. Though he and his blog have gone berserk with photos, must admit his selection is spot on.

In jest: Next time one sees a smart Channai chap training his camera on heat soothers, be assured that’s my friend.


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