Monday, March 7

Are we blogging blokes risking our careers.

An Associated Press story in today's Economic Times

"Flight attendant Ellen Simonetti and former Google employee Mark Jen have more in common than their love of blogging: they both got fired over it. Simonetti had posted suggestive photographs of herself in uniform, while Jen speculated online about his employer's finances. In neither case were their bosses happy when they found out. Though many companies have Internet guidelines that prohibit visiting porn sites or forwarding racist jokes, few of the policies directly cover blogs, or Web journals, particularly those written outside of work hours. "

for the full version read Bloggers beware! You may get sacked.

Some intersting facts from the story

1) Currently, some 27 per cent of online U.S. adults read blogs, and 7 per cent pen them, according to The Pew Internet and American Life Project.
--How many in India?

2) If free publishing coined the terms blogs and blogging, then it in turn has reared 'dooced', meaning "to have lost one's job because of one's Web site" Thanks to Simonetti and her blog


Blogger Ramnath said...

nice to see you back and your blog in action.

Thu Mar 10, 05:45:00 AM PST  

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